
CincyCon 2019 And A Visit To Ral Partha/Iron Wind Metals!


I went to CincyCon! Heading back home to my childhood in more ways than one - born and raised in the Tri-State area of southwestern Ohio. I went to this fun little convention of about few hundred folks and demo'ed Chaos Wars with the rest of the Ral Partha demo team.

That's because Iron Wind Metals, owner of the Ral Partha brand, has their home and factory in Cincinnati! I had a chance to visit the factory... and I've got a video blog of the factory tour coming soon! It was a fun tour!

(As soon as I figure out this video editing stuff... anyone have recommendations for a good video editing program?)

I had a blast playing back to back fantasy wargames, including a very thorough schooling by none other than Jacob Fathbruckner, who has been the key player in reviving the Ral Partha lines and revisiting/updating the original "Rules by Ral" to a modern, fun game. I guess playing against the guy who wrote the rules was asking for it... but I learned a lot!

Now... to get some sleep, I'm not as young as I used to be!