
Re:1095 AND 1099

Here is the 1095A form for 2023 and amended W2 and 1099. Please let me know if you have any questions.Here's the password to view docs: 1010


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Top of page two is just not true and I'm confused about any occupation and how the 60% applies and the gainful employment. I was a commercial property and casualty insurance broker so the LTD policy language is not my thing.Why did the definition change on 11/13/19? ERISA?Page 3 my job was anything but typical. I did not sit and think. I sent a detailed description of my job. We should look at that again. Aon will not release it without a court order. They think they are like the gold standard now and refuse to cooperate just to be difficult. However, I have the individual who no longer works there, who took over for me when I exited the firm and another individual who has that position now and then likely several more in and out of Aon who will sign an affidavit verifying my version of my job. Also one of these people now has the identical job at one of Aon's big competitors so they have a credible sense of the market for that position beyond just Aon.I have at least 3 or 4 easy personal friends and uninterested third parties who will attest to witnessing my physical limitations. If you want 100 of them we can do that. We just might need some help.I know you are all catching the little tricks like phases ``based on the information in the file presented to us for the review or the appeal decision". This as you know is because, Jennifer Palmer and her boss likely, in an ethical way, of course only sent certain parts of the file that support their decision.And we all know the Hub interview was a set up and they accidently did not record it or they did and won't release it because of the line after line of nonsense. They refer to it as many times as possible because they've designed an environment that gives them the freedom to do so.Let's also not forget the Hub's mission statement is "we will save you money" "you" meaning the insurance companies that hire them to control the claim cost using various little strategies.I looked up Mr. Hernandez BTW and to remind everyone he has a 20 year career, 10 of those years was with a roofing company.Further, it's not what's there that is as important as what's not as well. Jennifer intentionally did not read the transcript or watch the video if it was in fact recorded. This way she can rely on him and shift the errors and liability to the third party contractor. She'll claim oh my bad but it was part of a bigger plan. By doing this then she sends just the report for review and appeal and they rely on her comments about his report and then you notice that both her comments and his statements and conclusions as they are used over and over again start including quotation marks, suggesting to the reader that I was the one who actually said these things.The Medication side effects part on page 3 is limited to the Biktarvy I take for the HIV infection. That was what we were discussing and the Hub guy asked me if I had any side effects and I said no which is true. We did not discuss the Valium which makes me sleepy and groggy and out of it sometimes. When you consider all of the medication I was taking on that day in May, interactions due exist I think at worst to a moderate range. How that plays into this is unknown but the entire section is so limited and we actually agree so it's a waste of space. And I've taken 4 different combinations of HIV medication since 2009 so we may never know how they did or did not contribute temporarily or permanently.We also did not talk about the 1000 -1600 mg of Advil I was taking a day for pain. When Rheu and the Endo heard this they said no. That's why we moved to Mobic Etodolac, Naproxen and Lyrica. Those, other than Lyrica, upset my digestive system more than it was already compromised. Also I'm taking the 20-40 mg Nexium and who knows what that is doing to my stomach. Lastly, Methocarbamol is not mentioned at all. Combine these with the valium and that's why I'm taking a nap at 2pm every day aside from physical exhaustion, and should not be driving at times etc...As you know I had a reaction to the Lyrica and now that the biopsy is "Vasculitis" worse case this is an underlying sign of Lupus and the horrifying fact is over the next 10 years it could start breaking down my internal organs and I'll be dead at 65. Plays right along with the odd joint pain. The RA and ANA positive factor and other odd blood tests. Anemia, low testosterone, calcium and vit D issues. My blood pressure was always low and now it jumps up and down in excess of 35%. The last two tests also show my glucose at 140 and 117.Now I also have a worsening rapid loss of mass in my face on the right side in a patch just below the cheek bone. It's getting very upsetting and now the left side is showing signs as well. There is some rare Parry Romberg Syndrome type that is autoimmune related and it starts with tissue mass moves on the muscle and then bone. In the study I read large percentages of participants in the study had joint pain, ANA positivity, gingivitis, rashes, and the visual pictures of the beginnings of it look just like my face does now. There are the two sores on my left foot that will not heal and they have been like this for almost one year.Bottom of page 3, Dr. Melnick's theory is that the longer term exposure to the medication has left mild symptoms of the horrific versions of Parkinsonism. The terms here are critical since depending they use whatever they want to call it to suit their narrative.The statement that no recent provider is confirming any of these is not true. Please see my primary care doctor from 2018 up to June of 2020 where it clearly says essential tremor. Please also see the old dental but the more recent ones from 2018 and 2019 where it is noted that I grind my teeth excessively and that the original assessment done detailing the misalignment of my cranium and mandible are right on target as this provider commented on the many scars marks on the insides of my checks where I accidently bite and cut those the tissue and bleed when I eat so much that it has left up to 10 notable scares. Did this misalignment come from Latuda and the like? I don't know. Did it contribute likely and I never did get his recommended fix for this. We might want to have someone look at this.This one at the bottom of page 3 is very very important and it's a new one our friend has introduced. He has the nerve to suggest that Dr. Natta's testing and interpretation "indicates" another word used to play games, that any cognitive is bH. It does not. Period, full stop. I talked to Dr. Natta about this and her head almost blew off. She goes out of her way to remain neutral on this very issue and rightly so. Bartlet attempting to pile this one on now as well has him so far over his already drowning qualifications to review this complex case he is almost walking on the bottom of the ocean. I can tell you that Dr. Natta found it extremely offensive and unprofessional. She will be happy to clarify this. He managed to sneak this in as the last sentence of the second to last paragraph of that page.Both Nair and Tseng's files are so irrelevant for so many reasons. The only value of Nair is the 10/1/20 MRI. I spent 11 minutes with Tseng and he was interested in getting the blood tests. He did no physical exam for me. Dr. Costello's file more than sufficiently than Nair's. She did however go back after I asked for her help to update the notes twice. She just would not correct the 9/24 physical exam but she did leave it out of the two subsequent notes. Tseng noting recreational drugs 45 days prior to May of 2020 is just one of several little comments that collectively are suggesting that my abuse binging has caused these physical limitations. I don't know any that deteriorate your cervical and thoracic spine and cause hallux rigidus.Ortho section on page 4 again with the " based on the files provided to us" nonsense. Take a look at my left hand in May of 2020 and tell me that did not cause limitations.The OT file actually helps us as I am complaining to the OT about the left side arm and neck and back. This is exactly what they claim I did not do between 2015 and 2020 and then they literally type out two significant limitations that they say no provider is saying I have.The UTSW notes say Passive ROM. That's after she takes three 200 degree towels and squeezes my hand between them for 15 minutes. After that she is able to push them for me to be functional, not normal. I can not achieve it on my own to this day.Why Van pelt wants to cut off my toe and won't say it has compromised my gait is beyond me. I've asked twice. Done with him. If you want something else from him send him a letter.Additionally Valpelts Xray finding clearly says Stage III. You'll notice Bartlett took it upon himself to change it to Stage II. And the more recent exam has my ROM at < 5%. notVisitors to a big supermarket in America these days could be forgiven for feeling disoriented. From one angle, all-American consumerism is on full display as in normal times: throngs of people struggling to steer overflowing trolleys in a straight line. Retail sales (excluding cars) rose at a seasonally adjusted rate of 1.8% in August, compared with July, the fastest monthly rate since March. Other images, however, look distinctly unAmerican. To their horror, some shoppers discover empty shelves where their favourite brands of biscuits, detergents, pet food and loo roll typically reside—the result of supply-chain disruptions as outbreaks of the infectious Delta variant of covid-19 shut factories and ports around the world. Unlike in the early days of the pandemic, when shops were stripped bare by panic-buying, America's consumers mostly have alternatives to pick from. But the shortages are a sign that things in the country's $5.6trn retailing industry are not back to normal. If the supply shock were not enough, retailers must simultaneously deal with demand from shoppers once again keen to stroll around aisles rather than scroll through apps. Having survived the initial pandemic upheaval, they are now in the throes of another. Start with the bottlenecks. Congestion in ports from China to California has pushed shipping costs to record highs. Domestic trucking costs are up, too, as a result of the surge in online deliveries. This is less of a problem for expensive things like iPhones than it is for the sort of cheaper wares peddled by most big retailers, where shipping constitutes a bigger slice of the list price. Walmart went so far as to charter vessels directly to ensure steady supplies. At the same time, companies face a shortage of labour. Depending on whom you ask, this is down to workers being spooked by Delta, coddled by generous pandemic-era benefits or re-evaluating their lives and careers in the wake of the pandemic. Whatever the reason, the result is the virtual disappearance of customer service at large stores. Helpers that normally direct shoppers to the right shelf are nowhere to be found. With many cash registers closed, long queues form at the few that remain open. In-store placards that used to promote products are now soliciting employees.

We are watching closely as the global situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve. I wanted to reach out to you personally to let you know what we're doing to manage and combat this or any other virus.The health and safety of our Guests and Teammates continues to be our highest priorityOur highest priority is the health and safety of our Guests, as well as our Teammates and those in our network including our suppliers and delivery partners. We have been in regular communication with all of our teams across our network around the following protocols that support everyone's health and wellbeing:Reinforcing our already rigorous standards and operating procedures for food safety and personal hygiene. Working closely with our delivery partners and our own network of drivers to ensure frequent hand washing, using hand sanitizer for every delivery and sanitizing their vehicles and delivery bags.Continual sanitation of all high touch surfaces in our restaurants including seats, tables, menus, pay pads, etc.We are following the guidance of government and health authoritiesIn early January, we established a task force to monitor the situation, ensuring that our standards were being strictly adhered to and that we had the right action plans in place. Our approach has been one of swift, measured action. We are closely following the direction of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) which maintains a low public health risk advisory for Canada at this time. And with several restaurants around the Globe, our international locations are being guided by their local governments, along with our support.We are also monitoring our teams' health very closely and have put support systems in place to help anyone who may become affected by the virus so their number one focus is getting better.We are committed to delivering excellent guest experiences, regardless of how you choose to dine with usIf you see our team wiping down payment terminals, cash registers, countertops and door handles, please know this is an effort to reduce any risk. As the situation evolves, you may see our restaurants implementing new measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. We will continue to do everything we can, always with the goal of creating the best guest experience possible and to give you and our teams peace of mind, regardless of how you choose to dine with us; through our dining rooms, take-out or delivery.For 137 years, Canadians have been placing their trust in us. We take that very seriously and will never do anything to violate that trust.Frank HennesseyCEO, Recipe Corporation

Marc, my apologies, Roger and I just discussed it and I went too fast on this assignment, lol!  Sorry  ;o) 


The steps need to be as followed;


1051080 Ontario Inc. Board of Directors need to assign it’s two Directors

Turf Operation US Inc. Board of Directors must do the same for it’s one Director.


So for the moment being we will nominate Bill Shane and Terry Kurth for 1051080 Ontario Inc. and Jennifer Lemcke for Turf Operation US Inc.  Once the Boards meet, we will update the Directors if there are any changes.


Again, sorry and thank you for your patience.


Marise  ;o)


Marise Auray

VP Finance & Administration
Turf Operations Scarborough Inc o/a Weed Man
80 Auto Mall Drive Scarborough Ontario M1B 5N5
Tel: 416 269-5754 ext.111