Hi t??r?!
Unfortunat?ly, I n??d to start our con??rsation wit? bad n?ws for you.
Around f?w mont?s back I manag?d to g?t full acc?ss to all d??ic?s of yours, w?ic? ar? us?d by you on a daily basis to brows? int?rn?t.
Aft?rwards, I could initiat? monitoring and tracking of all your acti?iti?s on t?? int?rn?t.
Cl?arly, it was not ?ard at all for m? to log in to your ?mail account (aisacpat.saturdays@blogger.com).
A w??k aft?r t?at, I ?ad alr?ady manag?d to ?ffortl?ssly install Trojan ?irus to Op?rating Syst?ms of all d??ic?s t?at ar? curr?ntly in your us?, and as r?sult gain?d acc?ss to your ?mail.
To b? ?on?st, t?at was not r?ally difficult at all (b?caus? you w?r? ?ag?rly op?ning t?? links from your inbox ?mails). I know, I am a g?nius. (=
Wit? ??lp of t?at softwar?, I can gain acc?ss to all controll?rs in your d??ic?s (suc? as ?id?o cam?ra, k?yboard and microp?on?).
As r?sult, I download?d to my r?mot? cloud s?r??rs all your p?rsonal data, p?otos and ot??r information including w?b browsing ?istory.
Lik?wis?, I ?a?? compl?t? acc?ss to all your social n?tworks, m?ss?ng?rs, c?at ?istory, ?mails, as w?ll as contacts list.
My int?llig?nt ?irus unc?asingly r?fr?s??s its signatur?s (du? to its dri??r-bas?d natur?), and ??r?by stays unnotic?d by your anti?irus softwar?.
H?rb?y, I b?li??? t?at now you finally start r?alizing ?ow I could ?asily r?main unnotic?d all t?is w?il? until t?is ??ry l?tt?r...
W?il? coll?cting information r?lat?d to you, I ?ad also un??il?d t?at you ar? a tru? fan of porn sit?s.
You truly ?njoy browsing t?roug? adult sit?s and watc?ing ?orny ?ids, w?il? playing your dirty solo gam?s.
Bingo! I also r?cord?d s???ral filt?y sc?n?s wit? you in t?? main focus and montag?d som? dirty ?id?os, w?ic? d?monstrat? your passionat? masturbation and cum s?ssions.
In cas? you still dont b?li??? m?, all I n??d is just on?-two mous? clicks to mak? all your unmasking ?id?os b?com? a?ailabl? to your fri?nds, coll?agu?s, and ???n r?lati??s.
W?ll, if you still doubt m?, I can ?asily mak? r?cord?d ?id?os of your orgasms b?com? a public.
I truly b?li??? t?at you sur?ly would a?oid t?at from ?app?ning, taking in consid?ration t?? typ? of t?? X_X_X ?id?os you lo?? watc?ing, (you ar? cl?arly awar? of w?at I m?an) it will r?sult in a ?ug? disast?r for you.
W?ll, t??r? is still a way to s?ttl? t?is tricky situation in a p?ac?ful mann?r:
You will n??d to transf?r $1450 USD to my account (r?f?r to Bitcoins ??ui?al?nt bas?d on t?? ?xc?ang? rat? at t?? mom?nt transf?r), so onc? funds transf?r is compl?t?, I will straig?t away proc??d wit? d?l?ting all t?at dirty cont?nt from s?r??rs onc? and for all.
Aft?rwards, you can consid?r t?at w? n???r m?t b?for?. You ?a?? my ?on?st word, t?at all t?? ?armful softwar? will also b? d?acti?at?d and d?l?t?d from all your d??ic?s curr?ntly in us?. Worry not, I k??p my promis?s.
T?at is truly a win-win solution t?at com?s at a r?lati??ly r?duc?d cost, mostly knowing ?ow muc? ?ffort I sp?nt on monitoring your profil? and traffic for a consid?rably long tim?.
In ???nt t?at you ?a?? no id?a about m?ans of buying and transf?rring bitcoins - dont ??sitat? to us? any s?arc? ?ngin? for your assistanc? (?.g., Googl?, Ya?oo, Bing, ?tc.).
My bitcoins addr?ss is as follows:(1CG4ryU3qAzB41xR3PaBi8BLtDD64JKf7H)
Dont ???n t?ink of doing anyt?ing of t?? following:
! Abstain from att?mpting to r?ply m? (t?is ?mail was cr?at?d by m? insid? your inbox pag? and t?? r?turn addr?ss was g?n?rat?d accordingly).
! Abstain from att?mpting to g?t in touc? wit? polic? or any ot??r s?curity s?r?ic?s. Mor?o??r, dont ???n t?ink of s?aring t?is to you fri?nds. Onc? I disco??r t?is (appar?ntly, t?at is absolut?ly ?asy for m?, taking in consid?ration t?at I ?a?? compl?t? control o??r all syst?ms you us?) - kinky ?id?o will straig?t away b? mad? public. ! Dont ???n t?ink of att?mpting to find m?, t?at is compl?t?ly us?l?ss. Dont forg?t t?at all cryptocurr?ncy transactions r?main compl?t?ly anonymous.
! Dont att?mpt r?installing t?? OS on all your d??ic?s or g?tting rid of t??m. T?at wont l?ad you to succ?ss ?it??r, b?caus? I ?a?? alr?ady sa??d all ?id?os at my r?mot? s?r??rs as a backup.
T?ings you s?ould not b? conc?rn?d about:
! T?at your funds transf?r wont r?ac? my wall?t.
- Worry not, I can s?? ???ryt?ing, ??nc? aft?r you finis? t?? transf?r, I will g?t a notification rig?t away (trojan ?irus of min? us?s a r?mot?-control f?atur?, w?ic? functions similarly to T?amVi?w?r).
! T?at I will still distribut? your ?id?os alt?oug? you mak? t?? funds transf?r.
- My word, I ?a?? no int?ntion or int?r?st in continuing making your lif? troubl?som?. Anyway, If I truly want?d t?at, it would ?app?n long tim? ago wit?out m? notifying you!
E??ryt?ing can b? s?ttl?d in a p?ac?ful and just way!
And lastly... mak? sur? you dont g?t caug?t aft?rwards in suc? typ? of incid?nts anymor?!
My fair ad?ic? - ?nsur? you c?ang? all your passwords on a r?gular basis.